
NG-CDF Contribution to Vision 2030 and the third Medium term Plan  

NG-CDF Contribution to Vision 2030 and the third Medium term Plan  

Education Sector -Constructed 21,034 number of classrooms therefore providing room for about 1M more students

Bursary Programme and transition rates-Bursary provision to about 1 million students in every Financial Year therefore increasing retention

Heath Insurance Subsidy Programme-73,257 families have benefited under the Social Security Programme.

Restoration of forest cover-Planted trees in 1,630 sites annually

Construction of Youth Empowerment Centers-Constructed 16 Youth Empowerment Centers

Law Courts-Supported infrastructural development in 76 Constituencies

Housing-Construction of 627 Houses for Police Officers

– Construction of 763 Houses for Teachers

Tertiary Training Institutions-130 TTIs have continued to provide technical skills necessary for the Manufacturing Sector

Health Training-28 KMTCs have continued to provide skills necessary for the Health Sector

Constituency Innovation Hubs-119 Constituency Innovation Hubs are operational

Security Sector-Construction of National Government Administration Offices – 2133 Office Blocks

-Police Post/Camps – 428

Economic Empowerment-Provided employment opportunities (Artisans)

-30% Procurement opportunities to preserved to youths and PWDs

-Promoted market for local materials and support local entrepreneurs