NG-CDF draft work environment report was presented to a team drawn from various departments within the secretariat on Monday 8th November 2021 at NG-CDF Board Offices, Harambee Sacco Building 10th floor.
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Turkana Central Tender Notice
You can download tender notice for Kanamkemer Mixed Day school for equipping of four (4) classrooms and two blocks 2-doors exhaustible ventilated improved pit (VIP) latrines. To download click turkana
It’s a new dawn for National Government Constituencies Development Fund Board (NG-CDF Board) following the appointment of new Board of Directors by the Cabinet Secretary for The National Treasury and Planning, after they were successfully vetted by the National Assembly. This is in exercise of the powers conferred by section 15(1) (e) of the NG-CDF Act, 2015. The seven members of the Board have a huge task ahead to provide […]