


Article 124 of the Constitution mandates Parliament to establish Committees. The Committees act as agents of the House in discharging its legislative, oversight and representation functions under Article 95 of the Constitution.

The National Assembly Select Committee (N.A.S.C) on National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NG-CDF) undertook inspection visits led by Hon. Eng. Kassim Sawa Tandaza (Vice-Chairperson), MP for Matuga Constituency and engaged the members of the public on the projects being implemented for constituencies in Kisumu County. Members of the National Assembly that graced this inspection included:

– Hon. Machele Mohamed Soud, MP Mvita Constituency
– Hon Elachi Beatrice Kadeversia, MP Dagoretti North Constituency
– Hon. Mukhwana Titus Khamala, MP Lurambi Constituency
– Hon Dr Ogolla Gideon Ochanda, MP Bondo Constituency
– Hon. Owuor Joshua Aduma, MP Nyakach Constituency

โ€ฆaccompanied by NG-CDF Board Senior Management staff, NG-CDF Board and Parliament secretariats and NG-CDF constituency committee members.

The team visited the following projects in Nyakach Constituency:
1. Katito Police Police Station which is fully funded by NG-CDF Nyakach has seen an improvement in service delivery and reduced cattle rustling and other form of crimes in the area.
2. Construction of Lisana Mixed Secondary School Laboratory and two classrooms to completion.
3. Thurdibuoro Chiefโ€™s office which is inclusive of a hall used to hold public participation/security meetings.
4. AIC Nyongโ€™ongโ€™a where construction of a multipurpose hall is currently ongoing. The area MP noted that due to recurrent floods, displaced residents seek refuge in the hall adding that more funds are required for completion.


Finally, the team joined Kisumu East MP Hon. Shakeel Shabbir and visited Kibos Secondary School.

The school which was established in 2012 with only 40 students, currently has 700 students who have this year benefitted from Ksh.1 million #NGCDFBursary fund.

The area MP also identified the school as a center of excellence due to stellar performance emerging top in the sub-county in last yearโ€™s Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education.

The team inspected the following NG-CDF funded projects within the school:
1. Multipurpose Hall.
2. Twin Staff quarters
3. Dormitories with cubicle set-up

The main objective of undertaking this activitity is to:
– Assess the status of implementation of projects that were funded in the financial year 2021/2022 but are incomplete;
– Determine the best practices.
– Engage the public on successes and challenges realized.
– Provide guidance on the overall management of projects scope, quality, time and costs elements,
– Oversight by the committee will ensure effective, efficient and economic use of the fund.

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